Research Article
Feed Resources for Livestock and Improved Forage Production Status in Enor Woreda, Gurage Zone of Ethiopia
Kedir Adem*
Volume 12, Issue 6, December 2024
26 September 2024
17 October 2024
11 November 2024
Abstract: This study was conducted with the objective of assessing feed resources for livestock and improved forage production status in Enor woreda. Three kebeles were selected purposively based on livestock potential, 90 forage producer farmers, 30 from each kebele were selected using systematic random sampling from forage participant lists. SPSS (version 20) were used for analyzing the data. Mean land holdings of the area were 2.98 (SD=0.2), 2.86 (SD=0.19) and 2.93 (SD=0.21) in enset, cereal and mixed based farming system, respectively. Cereal dominate system has higher TLU than other two farming system. Feed shortage was the primary challenge in enset-based (Index=0.26), cereal-based (Index=0.32) and mixed (Index=0.32) farming system followed by water shortage problem in both enset and cerealbased system. Natural pasture (28%), crop residues (straw) (23%), hay (17%), improved forages (13%) enset (12%) and by-products from industries (7%) were observed to be the major feed resources in the area. In all the three agro-ecologies, Desho grass (Pennisetum pedicellatum) and Elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum) were the dominant forage species, whereas Sesbania (Sesbaina sesban) was the dominant in cereal-based system adopted in the area.
Abstract: This study was conducted with the objective of assessing feed resources for livestock and improved forage production status in Enor woreda. Three kebeles were selected purposively based on livestock potential, 90 forage producer farmers, 30 from each kebele were selected using systematic random sampling from forage participant lists. SPSS (version ...
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Research Article
Correlation and Regression Analyses of Disease and Agronomic Traits of Ethiopian Mustard (Brassica Carinata A. Braun.) Genotypes
Birhanu Mengistu Aboye*
Alemu Dado Gemeda
Volume 12, Issue 6, December 2024
28 September 2024
21 October 2024
12 November 2024
Abstract: Ethiopian mustard (Brassica carinata A. Braun) is an important oilseed crop with significant potential for food and energy production. The study evaluated 36 genotypes using a 6 x 6 lattice design to analyze correlations and regression among traits, aiming to understand their relationships and identify key traits for developing high-performing varieties. The analysis of variance revealed significant variation (p < 0.001) for traits including seed yield, flowering time, maturity date, disease resistance, thousand seed weight, oil content and oil yield; indicating the potential for genetic improvement. However, traits such as downy mildew resistance, leaf spot and branching showed non-significant variation, suggesting these traits may be more influenced by environmental factors than by genetic differences among the genotypes. Pearson correlation coefficients highlighted significant relationships among traits. Days to flowering (r = 0.687) and maturity (r = 0.029) positively correlated with yield, while disease traits negatively impacted seed yield. Notably, Thousand Seed Weight (r = 0.985) strongly correlated with yield, underscoring the importance of seed size. A multiple regression model explained 99.7% of the variation in seed yield, with a highly significant intercept (1863.35, p < 0.001). Key associations were found with secondary branches (12.32), oil content (-46.79) and oil yield (2.19). This study confirms the potential for improving Ethiopian mustard yield through genetic selection of key traits. It is recommended that breeding programs focus on enhancing seed size and disease resistance while considering environmental factors to maximize yield potential.
Abstract: Ethiopian mustard (Brassica carinata A. Braun) is an important oilseed crop with significant potential for food and energy production. The study evaluated 36 genotypes using a 6 x 6 lattice design to analyze correlations and regression among traits, aiming to understand their relationships and identify key traits for developing high-performing vari...
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Research Article
Dropout from Maternity Continuum of Care and Associated Factors Among Mothers Who Gave Birth After War in Adigrat Town, Tigray, Northern Ethiopia 2024
Volume 12, Issue 6, December 2024
20 August 2024
14 October 2024
12 November 2024
Abstract: Background: Maternity continuum of care is the continuity of maternal health care services given to mothers during antenatal period, child birth and post natal period. It is one of the strategic programs meant to lower the death rates of mothers, newborns, and children. In spite of this, a large number of moms discontinue their participation in maternal continuum care. Dropout from the maternity continuum of care is prevalent public health issue in underdeveloped nations, such as Ethiopia. Methods: Community based quantitative cross-sectional study was carried out among 357 mothers who gave birth in the 12 months in Adigrat town. Systematic sampling method was used to obtain study participants. Data was collected using pretested, semi- structured and face to face interviewer administered questioner. Bivariable and multivariable logistic regression model was fitted. Variables having p-value less than 0.2 in bivariable analysis was entered to multivariable logistic regression model. In multivariable logistic regression adjusted odds ratio with 95% confidence interval was used to determine strength and direction of the association between dependent and independent variables. Results: The overall magnitude of drop out from the maternity continuum of care was 237 (66.4%) [95%CI (61.3-70.9)], 60.6% drop out from ANC visit, 5.6% drop out from skill birth attendant and 58.9% drop out from PNC. Mothers never heard on maternal health care service (AOR=4.179 (1.107, 15.783), service out of health facility (AOR =5.136 (1.988, 13.267) noabortionhistory (AOR=1.424 (1.113, 12.133), unplannedpregnancy (AOR=5.478 (1.902, 15.777), less than 4 ANC visit (AOR= 5.583 (2.598, 11. 997) and mothers attitude (AOR=15.049 (2.489, 32.997) were statically significant factors associated with drop out from maternity continuum of care. Conclusion and discussion: This study showed that magnitude of drop out from maternity continuum of care was high as compared to WHO recommendations. As a result concerned stakeholders and policy makers should initiate more than four ANC visit, create awareness on harmful traditional practice, bad pregnancy history, support mothers to use family planning to prevent unplanned pregnancy, and work on attitude change of the community.
Abstract: Background: Maternity continuum of care is the continuity of maternal health care services given to mothers during antenatal period, child birth and post natal period. It is one of the strategic programs meant to lower the death rates of mothers, newborns, and children. In spite of this, a large number of moms discontinue their participation in mat...
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Research Article
Predictors of Reluctant Youth NEET in Chile: Evidence from the 2022 National Socioeconomic Characterization Survey
Pedro Olivares-Tirado*
Rosendo Zanga
Volume 12, Issue 6, December 2024
21 October 2024
30 October 2024
14 November 2024
Abstract: Background: Young individuals “not in employment, education, or training” (NEET) face a high risk of labour or social marginalization globally. Understanding the individual and family factors associated with reluctant” NEETs status could address the discouragement and marginalization among young people. Method: This study focused on inactive NEETs-not actively seeking work- particularly those who refuse work even when offered, called “reluctant” NEETs. From a gender perspective, the individual and household predictors of reluctant NEET among Chilean youth aged 20-29 from a national 2022 Chilean data were examined. Multivariable logistic regression was used to identify relevant individual and household predictors of reluctant NEET status, and the average marginal effects were used to compute predicted probabilities. Results: In the sample, 23.1% of Chilean youths aged 20-29 were NEETs, with a majority being women. Of them, 38.1% were reluctant NEETs, affecting notably women, and this rate decreased with age, particularly in men, and the gender gap widened further after 25. Individual factors like lower education, marital status, pregnancy, mental issues, disabilities and household factors such as unoccupied or inactive family members, single-parent homes, living with older persons and social transfers are significantly associated with reluctant NEET status in Chilean youth aged 20-29. Conclusions: This study highlights the need to monitor individual and social exclusion risk factors among NEET youth, particularly in countries where youth social exclusion may be associated with violence and criminality.
Abstract: Background: Young individuals “not in employment, education, or training” (NEET) face a high risk of labour or social marginalization globally. Understanding the individual and family factors associated with reluctant” NEETs status could address the discouragement and marginalization among young people. Method: This study focused on inactive NEETs-...
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Research Article
Seed Storage Potentiation Under Forced Ageing Condition
Chandan Kumar Pati*
Volume 12, Issue 6, December 2024
29 August 2024
4 October 2024
18 November 2024
Abstract: Storing of seeds is a serious problem in tropical region like Bankura and surrounding areas in West Bengal state of India where high temperature and high relative humidity greatly accelerate seed ageing. Chickpeas are a remarkable source of proteins and carbohydrates. It is also the rich supply of dietary fibre, essential amino acids and vitamins etc. It is also having no cholesterol which making them an acceptable dietary choice for individuals. The potential health benefits associated with chickpeas placed them as one of the most nutrient-dense grain legume for human consumption. Though the seeds having a lot of ethnomedicinal values but it lost viability in a quicker rate under Indian agro-climatic ambient storage condition. Pretreatment of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) seeds with aqueous solution of CCC (chlorocholine chloride, 200 μg ml-1) for 4 hours before forced ageing treatment (100% RH and 32±2°C) for different incubations (0 to 40 days) reduced the loss of germination and field emergence capacity. The chemical also significantly arrested profuse reduction of protein as well as ageing-induced stimulation of the activity of amylase enzyme in seed during ageing. The treatments also significantly arrested profuse reduction of protein as well as ageing-induced stimulation of the activity of amylase in seed during ageing. The effect of CCC on seed potentiation is established in this study.
Abstract: Storing of seeds is a serious problem in tropical region like Bankura and surrounding areas in West Bengal state of India where high temperature and high relative humidity greatly accelerate seed ageing. Chickpeas are a remarkable source of proteins and carbohydrates. It is also the rich supply of dietary fibre, essential amino acids and vitamins e...
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Review Article
Impression of the Effects of Climate Change on Genetic Resources and Coffee (Coffea arabica L.) Production
Meseret Degefa Regassa*
Volume 12, Issue 6, December 2024
20 October 2024
7 November 2024
28 November 2024
Abstract: One percent of the overall value of international trade is made up of coffee, one of the most significant traded commodities. Around the world, 25 million farmers rely on coffee as their main crop. Coffee production and genetic resources are seriously threatened by rising temperatures and increased precipitation that would follow from climate change, despite the fact that coffee is important for the economies of many countries. The examination of the effects of climate change on coffee production and genetic resources, as well as the recommendation of potential measures for their mitigation and adaptation, are the goals of this research. High temperatures and unpredictable rainfall brought on by climate change directly lower coffee yield by impacting plant growth and development. Additionally, it indirectly lowers the yield and quality of coffee and fosters the occurrence of more coffee-related diseases and pests. Furthermore, it was predicted by global circulation models that the distribution of places with the right climate for Arabica coffee could be affected by changes in temperature and precipitation, making many of those regions unsuitable. Additionally, there is a high risk of extinction for wild coffee and coffee germplasm accessions of Arabica coffee, which have been preserved in Ethiopia and many other nations' ex-situ field gene banks. These factors will have a significant impact on the majority of top coffee producers in the future. As a result, countries that cultivate coffee should be aware of how changing climatic factors affect coffee output and genetic resources and implement the necessary mitigation and adaptation measures.
Abstract: One percent of the overall value of international trade is made up of coffee, one of the most significant traded commodities. Around the world, 25 million farmers rely on coffee as their main crop. Coffee production and genetic resources are seriously threatened by rising temperatures and increased precipitation that would follow from climate chang...
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Research Article
Investigation of Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale G.) Plant as an Alternative Source for a Natural Rubber Production
Volume 12, Issue 6, December 2024
9 September 2024
3 December 2024
23 December 2024
Abstract: Rubber that is one of the most important polymers naturally produced by plants is a strategic raw material. Since rubber is used in a wide variety of areas and natural rubber resources are heavily destroyed, synthetic rubbers are produced, especially using petroleum-based polymers. In this study, it was aimed to find a natural alternative to the rubber trees that are endangered and to the synthetic rubbers that are difficult to recycle and expensive. The T. officinale samples used as material in the study were collected from natural areas. The roots of the collected plants were broken into small pieces, they were kept in different solvents for 24 hours. After they filtered and formic acid was added, the prepared samples were kept for 24 hours. The part sinking to the bottom was taken and dried in a fume hood. The test paste was prepared by using 100 g of the produced rubber, 1% sulfur and 2% extender material. After the paste had reached the desired consistence, it was taken into hot press machine and the vulcanization process was completed (at 140 °C, for 7 minutes). Rheometer was used for vulcanization curve testing. The graph obtained in the rheometer was compared with the rubber graph prepared to obtain a product by adding various substances. As a result of the study, it was determined that by adding some substances to the structure of the produced rubber during the vulcanization according to the desired purpose, it can be used in various fields, and thus, T. offcinale can be an alternative natural rubber source.
Abstract: Rubber that is one of the most important polymers naturally produced by plants is a strategic raw material. Since rubber is used in a wide variety of areas and natural rubber resources are heavily destroyed, synthetic rubbers are produced, especially using petroleum-based polymers. In this study, it was aimed to find a natural alternative to the ru...
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Research Article
Assessment of Antibiotics Resistance from Isolates Responsible for UTI in Four Regional Referral Hospitals in Tanzania
Volume 12, Issue 6, December 2024
4 December 2024
18 December 2024
31 December 2024
Abstract: The global impact of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) includes increased morbidity and mortality rates and healthcare costs, particularly in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), and it has dire economic and security implications. This study assessed the resistance of clinical isolates responsible for urinary tract infections (UTI) to antibacterial agents for treating UTIs in selected healthcare facilities in Tanzania. A total of 151 clinical isolates of E. coli and S. aureus isolated from urine samples in selected health facilities were analyzed for antimicrobial susceptibility to establish the presence of individual and multi-drug resistance (MDR). The results revealed that E. Coli displayed a significant difference in resistance (χ2 =12.808, p =0.002) across the selected antibiotics, in which E. coli showed the highest resistance to amoxicillin (AML) and the least resistance to meropenem (p <0.005). In contrast, S. aureus isolates showed a significant difference. (χ2=53.627, p-value<0.001) in resistance across the selected antibiotics, in which S. aureus showed the highest resistance to AML, peaking at more than 91%, and least resistant (4%) to nitrofurantoin (NIT) (4%). When p-value<0.005, both E. coli and S. aureus demonstrated MDR against selected antibiotics in all health facilities under study, in which Morogoro Regional Referral Hospital showed the highest (65.4%) for E. coli and Benjamin Mkapa Hospital showed the highest (83.3%) for S. aureus. Similarly, Maweni Regional Referral Hospital demonstrated the lowest MDR for E. coli (23%) and S. aureus (13%). Finding suggest that some antibiotics are still in used in clinical practice despite of the evidence of emerging resistance against them hence it call for effective regular AMR surveillance and antimicrobial stewardship implementation to optimize antibiotics use in clinical practice and exclude less efficacious ones.
Abstract: The global impact of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) includes increased morbidity and mortality rates and healthcare costs, particularly in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), and it has dire economic and security implications. This study assessed the resistance of clinical isolates responsible for urinary tract infections (UTI) to antibacteri...
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